Is your Nappalan leather jacket really genuine leather?

Nappalan Italian leather jacket for menThe design of the jacket is gorgeous,  the fit is perfect and the color is exactly what you want but, when you look at the label and it says made with nappalan – and you begin to wonder “are you really getting genuine leather?”

The answer is a resounding YES.

Nappalan is the process that leather – more specifically suede leather – goes through to produce a finished product that has a soft, silky feel to it.

The word suede leather comes from the French phrase gant de Suède which literally means gloves from Sweden.  Apparently the Swedes were well known in the late 1800’s as some of the first to produce gloves out of a distinctly soft and specialized leather – thus this is why the French attributed this type of leather with the word Suède.   Suede is nothing less than the flesh side of the skin (in many cases lambskin though it can be calf or goat as well) that has been rubbed till it has a velvety nap to it.  Since suede leather is deprived of the more durable exterior skin layer, it is less resistant however the up side is that it is much softer than standard (“full-grain”) leather.

Nappalan is created  when this side has been treated with a special process.  The suede leather is finished with either a clear or colored coating that will leave either a matte, or in some cases a shiny look.  The final result is a piece of leather that comes close to a silk-like texture.  This flesh-side finishing process enhances the appearance, the texture and the use of the leather making it ideal for leather jackets.

We use nappalan for jackets that are both lightweight and where the design requires the final product to have a flowing effect. M. Galli, Pierotucci Master Leather Craftsman

Nappalan Italian leather jacket
Click on image to get a close-up of the Nappalan leather.

Nappalan is considered a “precious” leather and is superbly soft  often with a pigmented coating.  Note the lovely colors available for leather jackets for men and women with matte colors such as bordeaux, green and blu.  As for the care of this type of leather, it is expected that after a certain amount of wear, some of the surface finish will shed; leaving a distressed appearance. This is considered a normal and desired effect of Nappalan since it will enhance the suppleness of the skin even though it adds a rugged, natural appearance to the leather. It should be well noted that this type of  leather will not benefit from the application of any after care products.

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